Dealing with Grief and Loss
Creating a safe space to feel grounded while processing grief
You may be here if…
You are numb and feel as though you are going through the motions of your life but not really living it. You feel stuck. Everything around you feels foggy while time feels that it is slowing down and speeding up at the same time.
The weight of your grief feels too heavy to hold on your own and you need support but you don’t know where to start.
You are struggling with the death of a loved one. The loss may have been unexpected or one you were preparing for but you are grieving.
You are navigating who you are now after loss. You don’t know who you are anymore and are grieving the loss of who you were before.
You or a loved one is dying and you need anticipatory grief support as you think about what comes next and figure out how to have end of life conversations with those you love.
However grief is impacting your life this is not a path you have to walk alone.
For many grief and loss is something experienced throughout life.
You may have lost possessions, jobs, a future you envisioned for yourself, parts of your identity, or a sense of self. You may have experienced the loss of friendships, relationships, or loved ones. For some there is the act of preparing for loss. You or your loved one are dying, engaging in meaning making, having important conversations with loved ones to say good-bye, and prepare for what comes next. I can support you in each of these facets of the grieving process.
I am here to support you and your loved ones as you navigate steps that feel uncertain.
Grief and loss can feel engulfing and take over our senses. For many it can threaten our sense of self, belief systems, and feelings of control.
I offer both individual therapy and family therapy to support you and your loved ones in navigating grief and loss while preparing for what comes next.
I offer both individual therapy as well as family therapy to those impacted by grief and loss.
Individual Grief Therapy:
I offer individual therapy through telehealth to individuals across the lifespan impacted by grief and loss. I support individuals who have lost a loved one, are figuring out what life looks like after loss, or who they are after loss. I can be a support to individuals navigating how to talk about the loss to others in their lives, explore meaning making, and offer resources. I also support individuals who are dying and need support navigating end of life, making sense of what is happening, processing feelings of grief and loss, as well as hopes and fears.
Family Grief Therapy:
I offer family therapy through telehealth to families impacted by grief and loss. I support families who have lost a loved one and are navigating life after loss. I can support you and your loved ones navigate talking about the loss to other family members. If there are children involved I can support you and your family with age appropriate language to help children make sense of the loss. I also support families preparing for loss who need anticipatory guidance and support with meaning making, navigating end of life conversations with one another, and exploring what family members need from one another in preparation of that loss.
Let’s Talk!
Schedule a free 15 minute consultation